The Art of Performance
The Surprising Science Behind Greatness
Jeroen De Flander, the #1 bestselling author of Strategy Execution heroes and The Execution Shortcut, unlocks the scientific secrets of world-class performers.
Available September 2nd 2019
Check it out now!Most people believe the road to success is paved with passion, talent and some luck. That’s a mistake, says Prof. De Flander. In The Art of Performance, he reveals the extraordinary science behind superior performance and most importantly, how anyone can achieve it.
In this provocative and persuasive new book, De Flander explores the mindset of the highly successful and uses six decades of scientific research to reveal 3 proven performance principles. Drawing on startling statistics and cutting-edge insights, he packages science into a fascinating, readable narrative packed with irresistible and practical takeaways to help readers be more successful in life and work.
Among The Art of Performance most valuable insights are:
- How lifelong interest is triggered
- Why purpose trumps passion and how to find it
- How a chess master became a martial art champion
- How 4 simple practice rules can triple your learning cycle
Surprising, inspirational and insightful! This book will change your mind forever.
“Engaging and provocative. This book will lead you to level of performance you never considered possible. A game changer!”
— Marshall Goldsmith, New York Times #1 bestselling author
“The Art of Performance is a gem—evidence-based, insightful and full of practical advice.
— Costas Markides, Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship, London Business School
“Inspiring & thought provoking. The Art of Performance will set you on the path to be the best you can be.”
— Bert Stevens, Vice President North America Operations, Nike
“Jeroen De Flander reveals how greatness can be grown and nurtured by anybody.”
— Denis Machuel, Global CEO Sodexo
“A must read for anyone who wants to bring the best out of people around them!”
— Stefaan Merckx, Global CEO Cartamundi
“Pole position for all your challenges. Jeroen shows you the way”
— Dixie Dansercoer, Polar Explorer, Record Holder, & Ultra Runner
“One of the best business books I have read in years
— Nick Taylor, Managing Director UKI Accenture

De wetenschap van succes
Wat is het geheim van wereldklasse?
Waarom zijn sommige mensen zo onvoorstelbaar goed in wat ze doen?
Hoe word je een uitblinker?
Available September 2nd 2019
Check it out now!De meeste mensen denken dat je de top alleen kunt bereiken met talent en wat geluk. Niets is minder waar. Waarin je ook wilt uitblinken, grootse prestaties worden altijd bepaald door dezelfde drie principes: passie, meesterschap en veerkracht.
Dit boek onthult de buitengewone wetenschap achter topprestaties. Het onderzoekt de mindset van succesvolle artiesten, sporters en denkers. Aan de hand van verrassende statistieken en nieuwste inzichten verpakt het de wetenschap in een fascinerend, leesbaar verhaal boordevol praktische tips om je te helpen succesvoller te zijn in werk en leven.
‘Boeiend en provocatief. Dit boek brengt je naar een prestatieniveau
waarvan je nooit gedacht had dat je het kon bereiken. Een gamechanger!’
Marshall Goldsmith
New York Times-bestsellerauteur
‘Dit boek is een parel – gebaseerd op wetenschappelijke feiten,
verhelderend en vol praktische tips.’
Costas Markides
Professor strategie en ondernemerschap, London Business School
‘Inspirerend en geeft stof tot nadenken.
Dit boek zet je op weg om het beste uit jezelf te halen.’
Bert Stevens
Vice President Operations Noord-Amerika, Nike
The Execution Shortcut
Most business strategies get lost on the long road to success. Connect your strategy with Heads,
Hearts & Hands to uncover The Execution Shortcut.

The strategy journey to success is long and dangerous. Most business strategies lose between 40 and 60 percent of their financial potential along the strategy execution highway. There is a path that will make the trip dramatically shorter. It exists in every organization, but mostly stays hidden. With the help of science, we’ll uncover The Execution Shortcut.
There are three prerequisites:
- The Head connection – people need to be aware of your business strategy;
- The Heart connection – people need to care about your business strategy;
- The Hands connection – people need the energy to push your business strategy forwards.
“De Flander has added another chapter to the emerging science of strategy execution.“
– Prof. Robert Kaplan, Harvard Business School & Dr David Norton
“The Execution Shortcut is a fantastic read! It is full of wonderful advice and practical examples and explains in a clear and engaging style how to get your ideas or strategies implemented. You will not only enjoy reading this book–you will act on it!”
– Costas Markides, Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship, London Business School
“De Flander’s latest book charts a strategy for taking any idea off the drawing board and into real life. A great help to anyone looking to bring a good idea into the real world.“
– Kirkus Reviews
“We all look for shortcuts. … The short answer is that there is no magic. But there is consensus from the experts that human dynamics are more the key, and the problem, rather than any particular business strategy or tactic. A new book, The Execution Shortcut, by Jeroen De Flander, a well-respected writer and speaker on business strategy execution, offers some good insights and examples. If you aspire to get a better return from your strategy, De Flander asserts that you must learn how to position your strategy to capture the head, heart, and hands of your constituents.“
– forbes
“The Execution Shortcut is a must read for every leader who wants to boost strategy commitment and guide others through the implementation maze.“
– Caroline Hillegeer, Senior Vice President Strategy, GDFSUEZ
“The Execution Shortcut explains in an engaging way how Just Do It’s don’t come automatically. It only happens when the mind is triggered, the heart inspired, and willpower strengthened.“
– Bert Stevens, Vice President Europe Operations, Nike “Jeroen De Flander has done it again!”
– Paul Niven, Best-selling author Balanced Scorecard, Step-by-Step
“The Execution Shortcut gives a refreshing insight into how to make your strategy a success on the work floor. I can recommend this book to any leader.“
– Patrick Bodart, Principal Director, European Patent Office
“Finally a book that provides quality advice and real examples for helping us get to strategic execution shortcuts. De Flander has done it again with The Execution Shortcut.“
– Phillip Shoemaker, Director Applications Technology, Apple
“The Execution Shortcut offers a great roadmap to win in the new reality of business.“
– Jorge Inda Meza, Global Director of Strategic Innovation, AB InBev
“In the real world, it doesn’t matter how good looking you are or how smart you are. What matters is getting things accomplished and that’s what The Execution Shortcut is all about.“
– Bill Saubert, Senior Vice President Mastercard Advisors
“In The Execution Shortcut, De Flander brilliantly illustrates why the path to success is a long and winding road, fraught with dangers and potential derailers. By taking his advice, we can accelerate execution and create lasting success in any enterprise–big or small.“
– Bart Sweerman, Managing Director, Enterprise & Public Sector EMEA, Cisco
“Embrace heart, hands, and head and follow the execution path to the finish line.“
– Charles-Antoine Janssen, Board Member, UCB
“The Execution Shortcut provides a down-to-earth approach to help leaders achieve where many fail–deliver the strategic plan.“
– Jan Lång, CEO, Ahlstrom
“The Execution Shortcut gives brilliant tips on execution excellence.“
– Atul Jain, Senior Vice President, Samsung Electronics
“I read this book on a long haul flight to the US, altitude 38,000 feet… but what I learned was applicable the day after. Down to earth, feet on the ground.“
– Rudi Nerinckx, Group Human Resources Director, Tessenderlo Group

Strategy Execution Heroes
With 300+ strategy execution tips, Strategy Execution Heroes will help you get the job done.

According to research published in the Harvard Business Review, “Companies realise only 40-to-60 percent of their strategies’ potential value”.
The rest is lost during execution. Strategy Execution Heroes turns the tide and goes for 100 percent Strategy Execution.
Strategy Execution Heroes will help you get the execution job done. But don’t expect complex theories or fancy words. Strategy Execution Heroes gets right to the point with 300+ practical tips and tricks.
The new expanded edition of Jeroen De Flander’s Strategy Execution Heroes includes
- Two completely new chapters with new insights on the Balanced Scorecard and strategic thinking
- 12 new downloads including a framework to pick the best KPIs for your business
- A 60-minute audio file from the Next Generation Strategy event where Jeroen De Flander shared the stage with
Michael Porter, Costas Markides and Roger Martin, three of the world’s top 50 thinkers predicting strategic thinking in 2020.
So whether you are a future manager preparing for the challenge, a field manager or an experienced senior executive, get ready to boost your execution skills. Become a Strategy Execution hero and turn your great strategy into great performance.
“Strategy Execution Heroes is all about tips and tricks to get things done“
– Gérard Mestrallet | CEO | GDFSUEZ
“Strategy Execution Heroes takes strategy to the manager level, providing practical everyday recipes to make sure that the ‘big picture’ does not remain a boardroom abstraction”
– Bruno Lanvin | Executive Director | INSEAD
“I highly recommend this book to strategist and business leaders striving for maximum impact“
– Bart Sweerman | Senior Director | Cisco
“A refreshing different approach to strategy implementation. Well worth reading!“
– Michael Hofland | CFO | L’Oreal
“Great insights from well-known executives that I found immediately helpful for my organisation“
– Phillip Shoemaker | Director Applications Technology | Apple
“Practical, specific and real-life advice“
– Jeffrey Stephen Kehoe | Regional head Asia | AXA

Breng je strategie in praktijk met 300+ praktische tips

Een strategie bepalen is cruciaal voor elke organisatie. En hoewel er bibliotheken vol staan met strategieboeken, ze laten u in de steek als het gaat om de uitvoering van de strategie.
Jeroen De Flander schreef het eerste how-to boek voor succesvolle strategie implementatie. In klare taal, met vele praktische tips en suggesties, biedt De Flander u een compleet cruciaal zijn om elke strategie tot een groot succes te maken.
Bij het boek zijn nog eens 27 instrumenten en schema’s als download beschikbaar.
Met Strategiehelden zal zowel de aankomend manager als de door de wol geverfde senior executive zijn voordeel kunnen doen. Ook u kunt een strategieheld worden!
“Strategy Execution Heroes is all about tips and tricks to get things done“
– Gérard Mestrallet | CEO | GDFSUEZ
“Strategy Execution Heroes takes strategy to the manager level, providing practical everyday recipes to make sure that the ‘big picture’ does not remain a boardroom abstraction”
– Bruno Lanvin | Executive Director | INSEAD
“I highly recommend this book to strategist and business leaders striving for maximum impact“
– Bart Sweerman | Senior Director | Cisco
“A refreshing different approach to strategy implementation. Well worth reading!“
– Michael Hofland | CFO | L’Oreal
“Great insights from well-known executives that I found immediately helpful for my organisation“
– Phillip Shoemaker | Director Applications Technology | Apple
“Practical, specific and real-life advice“
– Jeffrey Stephen Kehoe | Regional head Asia | AXA

Les Héros de la stratégie
Les héros de la stratégie vous aide à implémenter votre stratégie.

Les héros de la stratégie vous aide à implémenter votre stratégie. Ne vous attendez pas à des théories compliquées ou à de vaines paroles.
L’auteur – Jeroen De Flander – va droit au but et vise la pratique.
Les héros de la stratégie vous offre
- 250 conseils pratiques de cadres supérieurs de BT, Coca-Cola, Lockheed Martin, eBay et d’autres.
- des idées d’experts tels que Sir John Whitmore, Peter Scott-Morgan et prof. Vincent Lion.
- 27 précieux téléchargements pour mettre votre plan d’action sur la bonne voie.
“Strategy Execution Heroes is all about tips and tricks to get things done“
– Gérard Mestrallet | CEO | GDFSUEZ
“Strategy Execution Heroes takes strategy to the manager level, providing practical everyday recipes to make sure that the ‘big picture’ does not remain a boardroom abstraction”
– Bruno Lanvin | Executive Director | INSEAD
“I highly recommend this book to strategist and business leaders striving for maximum impact“
– Bart Sweerman | Senior Director | Cisco
“A refreshing different approach to strategy implementation. Well worth reading!“
– Michael Hofland | CFO | L’Oreal
“Great insights from well-known executives that I found immediately helpful for my organisation“
– Phillip Shoemaker | Director Applications Technology | Apple
“Practical, specific and real-life advice“
– Jeffrey Stephen Kehoe | Regional head Asia | AXA
The Strategy Execution BarometerTM is the leading resource worldwide for practical, fact-based Strategy Execution market data.
It provides you with up-to-date information to evaluate the execution capabilities of your organisation.
The Strategy Execution Barometer TM includes:
- Strategy Execution data from 1400+ companies, 36 countries and 23 sectors
- 30 key findings backed up by experts’ comments
- 12 insights (to learn) from the best-in-class
- 53 figures with comprehensive market data
- Detailed gap analysis between average performers and the best-in-class
“This report gives a good insight into the matter at hand. It provides concrete opportunities for building a comprehensive framework to implement performance management and can be used as a roadmap to actually implement strategic topics“
– Kristof Luys | HR Manager | TerBeke-Pluma
“A very insightful report that reflects everyday realities at the ground level. It also makes you realise that you are not alone in facing the problems of implementing your company strategy. I have been able to use this report as a benchmark to improve my organisation’s performance management process”
– Dr. Mohammed Ilyas | Manager Economics and Business Support | SABIC
“This report offers a true benchmark for us with regards to other large international companies. It allows us to compare ourselves to both the average and the best-in-class so we know exactly where we stand and how we should act accordingly“
– Bart Ponsioen | Senior Associate | ING
“Thanks a lot for this report. We just started a strategy redefinition project in our group for which I’m taking the lead. I’m sure that the information contained in the report will help us do things the right way.“
– Jan Van Rooy | Director Research & Development | Van Ameyde International
“Performance described in three words: ‘today, better tomorrow“
– Tobias Kuners of koenders | Director Program Management Europe | Wolters Kluwer
“The Strategy Execution Barometer offers both insightful, innovative and practical approaches to strategy development and execution. Real examples, cross industry data and the line of sight to organisational performance combine to hit the nail on the head with respect to truly useful strategy work“
– Martin Pardoe | National HR Manager | WestFIeld
“It was fascinating to read the similarities of this research that was conducted mainly in Europe and North America compared with ours conducted in Asia and the Middle East over the same nine-year period. The Barometer provides leaders with an outstanding tool and it would be absolutely crazy not to leverage the benchmark at strategy roll-out“
– Robin Speculand | CEO | Bridges Business Consultancy
“A breathtakingly vast and informative report that is still easy to understand. It highlights those precise points, which, in my opinion, require more attention during the execution of strategy. A must read for anyone with the word ‘manager’ in his/her title.“
– Jari Lahtinen | Senior Specialist of Critical Projects | Nokia
“… (an) extremely granular study on a hot topic. Changing rules, roles and responsibilities in an environment of financial and economic instability, today, even more than ever, requires a strategy with a clear focus and predefined deliverables, including its associated actions. From the individual Balanced Scorecard right up to the view of a multinational corporate, both have one key element in common: it’s all about strategy. This study is a great tool that not only helps to critically analyse one’s own individual behaviours, but also to position a corporate strategy against those of its industry peers across all regions, cultures or industries“
– Hans Sawatzki | Senior Sales Consultant | ING